Onboard a Google Cloud Platform Virtual Private Cloud
Prisma Access

Onboard a Google Cloud Platform Virtual Private Cloud

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Onboard a Google Cloud Platform Virtual Private Cloud

Onboard an Google Cloud Platform VPC to Prisma Access and secure access to it for mobile users and remote networks.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Panorama)
You can secure resources in a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) virtual private cloud (VPC) seamlessly using Prisma Access by onboarding the VPC as a remote network connection. Prisma Access establishes an industry-standard IPSec tunnel between Prisma Access and the GCP virtual network to provide connectivity to resources in GCP. After you onboard the virtual network, you can define security and access controls by configuring security policies for the remote network, which provides consistent policy management and control for all of your Prisma Access remote networks.
Currently, GCP does not support creating two VPN tunnels within the same Cloud VPN gateway to the same Prisma Access instance; therefore, high availability using primary and secondary tunnels is not available with GCP. However, the GCP incorporates high availability by providing a service level agreement (SLA) of 99.9% cloud VPN service availability. If the GCP cloud VPN goes down, it restarts automatically. If an entire virtual VPN device fails, the cloud VPN automatically instantiates a new one with the same configuration. The new gateway and tunnel connect automatically. For more information about High Availability and Classic VPNs, see the Google Cloud document Redundant and High-throughput VPNs.
Use the following workflow to secure a GCP VPC with Prisma Access.
  1. Create IKE and IPSec profiles and onboard the GCP VPC in Prisma Access.
    To begin the configuration of the GCP VPN connection, create IKE and IPSec security profiles and policies, then create a remote network connection in Prisma Access to onboard the GCP VPC.
    1. In Panorama, select
      from the
    2. Select
      Network Profiles
      IKE Crypto
      an IKE crypto profile for the gateway.
      Make a note of these settings; the IKE crypto settings you specify here must match the settings that you specify on GCP when you configure the IPSec tunnel in GPC. For a list of IKE cyphers that GCP supports, see the Google Cloud document Supported IKE Cyphers. For more information about configuring the IKE the IPSec settings on GCP, see the Google Cloud document Configuring the On-premises VPN Gateway.
      We recommend the following settings:
      • DH Group
      • Encryption
      • Authentication
      • Key Lifetime
        8 Hours
    3. Select
      Network Profiles
      IPSec Crypto
      an IPSec crypto profile for the IPSec tunnel.
      The IPSec crypto settings you specify here must match the settings you specify on GCP. The screenshot in the following figure uses the following settings:
      • IPSec Protocol
      • DH Group
      • Lifetime
        3 Hours
      • Encryption
      • Authentication
        If you select an AES-GCM algorithm for encryption, you must select the
        or the commit will fail. The hash is automatically selected based on the DH Group selected. DH Group 19 and below uses sha256; DH Group 20 uses sha384.
    4. Select
      Network Profiles
      IKE Gateways
      an IKE gateway.
      Use the following IKE gateway parameters:
      • For
        Peer IP Address Type
        , select
      • Enter any IP address (for example, in the
        Peer Address
        This setting is temporary; you add an IP address in after you retrieve the peer address from GCP in a later step.
      • Configure a
        Pre-shared key
      • Select
        Advanced Options
        and specify the IKE crypto profile that you created in a previous step.
    5. Select
      IPSec Tunnels
      an IPSec tunnel for the GCP VPC, specifying the
      IKE gateway
      IPSec Crypto Profile
      that you created earlier in this task.
  2. Create a remote network connection for the GCP VPC.
    1. Select
      Cloud Services
      Remote Networks
      the GCP VPC as a remote network.
      Use the following choices:
      • Select a
        that is closest to your GCP VPC.
      • Select an
        IPSec Termination Node
        An IPSec termination node can provide you with a maximum of 500 Mbps of bandwidth; however, total bandwidth would depend on how much bandwidth you allocated to the compute location to which the IPSec Termination Node belongs. Use a bandwidth based on the amount of traffic that Prisma Access can receive from the GCP VPC and the licensed bandwidth for Prisma Access.
      • Specify the IPSec primary tunnel that you just created in the
        IPSec Tunnel
      • Specify either static or dynamic (BGP) routing.
        • (
          Deployments Using Static Routes Only
          ) Select
          Static Routes
          , then enter
          Branch IP Subnets
          that will correspond to the specific or summary subnets of your VPC.
          This subnet is a placeholder; you specify the correct subnet when you configure the VPN connection on GCP.
        • (
          Deployments Using BGP Routing Only
          ) Select
          BGP networking, and enter the
          Peer AS
          , which is the autonomous system number (ASN) to which the firewall, virtual router, or BGP router at your remote network belongs.
          Make a note of the ASN; you specify the same ASN when you configure dynamic (BGP) routing in GCP.
          For a description of the additional fields you can configure for BGP routing, see Configure Prisma Access for Networks in the Prisma Access Administrator’s Guide (Panorama Managed).
    2. Commit
      your configuration.
  3. After the onboarding process completes, select
    Cloud Service
    Network Details
    Remote Networks
    and make a note of the value in the
    Service IP Address
    You use this address as the
    Remote peer IP address
    when you configure the VPN connection on GCP.
  4. Create and configure the VPN Connection in GCP.
    GCP uses a VPN connection to let you securely connect to Prisma Access. For more information about GCP interoperability, refer to the Google Cloud list of VPN Interoperability Guides.
    1. Log in to GCP.
    2. Begin the VPN connection and add an IP address to it by entering
      into the search box; then selecting
      Hybrid Connectivity
      The GCP screens in this document might not reflect the latest version of the GCP user interface (UI).
    3. Click
      Create VPN connection
    4. In the
      Google Compute Engine VPN Gateway
      field, enter the following values:
      • Enter a
        for the connection.
      • (
        ) Enter a
        of the connection.
      • Enter the
        to use with the VPN connection.
        Specify the network you created on GCP that you want to secure with Prisma Access.
      • Enter a
        for the VPN connection.
      • In the
        IP address
        field, select
        Create IP address
        , provide a
        for the static IP address; then, click
      GCP reserves the public
      IP address
      for the VPN connection.
      Make a note of the
      IP address
      that GCP assigned; you enter this in Prisma Access in the IKE gateway
      Peer Address
      field in a later step.
    5. In the
      area, enter the following values:
      If you have an existing VPN Gateway, select
      Add VPN Tunnel
      in the
      VPN tunnels
      • Enter a
        for the tunnel.
      • (
        ) Enter a
        of the tunnel.
      • Enter a
        Remote peer IP address
        , using the
        Service IP Address
        from the remote network in Prisma Access (
        Cloud Service
        Network Details
        Remote Networks
      • Enter the
        IKE version
        of the tunnel.
        This value must match the IKE version you specified in Prisma Access.
      • Enter a
        Shared secret
        that matches the
        Pre-shared Key
        that you configured for the IKE gateway in Prisma Access.
      • In the
        Routing options
        field, select one of the following options:
        • (
          Deployments Using Static Routes Only
          ) To set up a static connection between GCP and Prisma Access, select
        • (
          Deployments Using BGP Routing Only
          ) To set up a dynamic (BGP) connection between GCP and Prisma Access, select
          Dynamic (BGP)
      • (
        Deployments Using Static Routes Only
        ) Enter one or more
        Remote network IP ranges
        Use the
        Static Subnet
        IP addresses for the service connections and remote networks of Prisma Access (
        Cloud Service
        Network Details
        Service Connection
        Cloud Service
        Network Details
        Remote Networks
      • (
        Deployments Using BGP Routing Only
        Create BGP Session
        • Enter a
          for the BGP session.
        • Enter the
          Peer ASN
          Specify the same ASN you gave for the Prisma Access ASN.
        • Create a
          Cloud Router BGP IP
          address and
          BGP Peer IP
          You must use a link local IP address (the IP address taken from the address block, and the Cloud Router BGP address and the BGP peer address must be in the same /30 subnet.
        • Save and Continue
          to save your changes and return to the BGP screen.
        For more information about configuring BGP routing in GCP, refer to the GCP documentation.
  5. (
    Deployments Using Static Routes Only
    ) Complete the VPN connection in Prisma Access.
    If you are using static routes for your remote network connection, complete the GCP VPN connection by adding the Peer Address to the Prisma Access remote network configuration.
    1. In Panorama, select
      Network Profiles
      IKE Gateways
    2. Select the IKE Gateway that you created in an earlier step.
    3. Enter the
      Peer Address
      Find this address on GCP, in the
      IP address
      field for the VPN connection, in the
      Google Compute Engine VPN Gateway
    4. Commit
      your configuration.
  6. Verify remote network connectivity from GCP and from Prisma Access.
    • From the GCP console, find the tunnel and check its
      . It should show
      Note that the
      Google IP address
      is the same as the
      Peer Address
      that is used in Prisma Access in the IKE gateway.
    • To verify that there is connectivity between GCP and Prisma Access, complete the following steps.
      1. In Panorama, select
        Cloud Services
        Remote Networks
        Config Status
        should be
        In Sync
        and the
        Tunnel Status
        should be
      2. From the GCP console, select
        and verify that the static routes have been populated in the GCP routing table.
        Note that this route list includes an all-zeros (default) route. A default route is required to secure all traffic to and from the GCP VPC. You secure internet-bound traffic with Prisma Access by creating a default route on GCP as shown in the next step.
  7. Secure internet-bound traffic with Prisma Access.
    To secure all traffic to and from GCP, you must allow all traffic including internet traffic to pass through Prisma Access. Because there is no default route, GCP routes internet-bound traffic from virtual machines over the GCP backbone instead of the VPN tunnel, which means that internet-bound traffic is not secured with Prisma Access. To direct all traffic to Prisma Access, either configure all internet-bound routes with static routes to Prisma Access or create a default route on GCP with or without instance tags.
    Using the VPN tunnel as the default route may result in a loss of connectivity to virtual network instances over the internet. Make sure that you use another connection method (for example, a bastion host) to connect to instances over the internet.
    To configure a default route between GCP and Prisma Access, create a new route with or without instance tags to which the route will be applied. The following example adds a default route for the Prisma Access network which is applied to the
    tag. After you add this default route, all instances with the
    tag in the VPC will use the VPN connection between GCP and Prisma Access as the default route.

Troubleshoot the IPSec Tunnel

To troubleshoot the site-to-site connection in Prisma Access, log in to Panorama and select
, then enter
(subtype eq vpn)
in the
field to view messages related to VPN tunnel creation.

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