Create a Snippet
Prisma Access

Create a Snippet

Table of Contents

Create a Snippet

Create a snippet to group configurations of the
Prisma Access Agent
that you can quickly push to your deployments.
Where Can I Use This?
What Do I Need?
  • Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  • Prisma Access
    5.1 Innovation
  • Prisma Access
    license with the Mobile User subscription
  • Role: Superuser
You can create a snippet to group the configurations of
Prisma Access Agents
that you can quickly push to your deployments. Snippets are used to standardize a common base configuration for a set of project-based deployments, allowing you to quickly onboard new devices with a known good configuration and reducing the time required to onboard a new device.
After you create the snippet, you will associate the snippet to a scope, assign a user to the scope, and grant the user the Project Admin role. The user can then log in as the Project Admin and use the snippet to manage the project settings for the
Prisma Access Agent
. The Project Admin can only change the
Prisma Access Agent
settings for the snippets that they are assigned to.
To create a snippet, complete the following steps:
  1. Log in to
    Strata Cloud Manager
    as the Superuser.
  2. Select
    NGFW and
    Prisma Access
  3. Select
    and expand the Configuration Scope to view the
  4. Add Snippet
    and enter the following details:
    1. Enter a
      for the snippet.
    2. (
      ) Enter a
      for the snippet.
    3. (
      ) Assign one or more
      You can select an existing label or create a new label by typing the label you wanted to create.
    4. To ensure that object names are unique across a snippet,
      Add prefix to object names
      is enabled by default.
      Choose whether to
      generate a random prefix or select
      and add your own
      Prefix Value
      . The prefix value can be alphanumeric and have a maximum of six characters.
      The prefix will have the format
      . When you add an object, Strata Cloud Manager will prepopulate the object name with the prefix.
    5. Create
      the snippet.
      After you create the snippet, you're in the Configuration Scope for the snippet. All configurations you create while in the snippet scope occurs only for the snippet.
  5. Associate the snippet to the
    Access Agent
    1. In the Overview page of your snippet, select the
      Snippet Associations
    2. Select
      Access Agent
      from the
      Config trees
    3. Click the
      to close the Snippet Associations window.
      Access Agent
      appears in the list of Snippet Associations.
  6. If you have not done so already, create an identity for the user who will be managing projects and assign the Project Admin Push role to the user.
    1. From Strata Cloud Manager, select
      Identity & Access
    2. Select
      Add Identity
    3. Enter the
      Identity Address
      for the user who will be the project administrator and click
    4. Select
      Add Access
      Prisma Access & NGFW Configuration
      and select the
      Project Admin Push
      role for the user.
    5. Click
  7. Create a management scope for the snippet and assign a user to that scope.
    1. Select
      Access Control
      Scope Management
    2. Create New Scope
    3. Enter a
      for the scope and view the
    4. Associate the snippet to the scope. Select the snippet that you created and
    5. In the Scope Objects,
      Assign Users
      to the scope that you created for your snippet.
    6. Assign a user to the scope by selecting a user from the list and giving the user the
      Project Admin
    7. Close
      the window.
    8. Push the configuration.
      1. Select
        Push Config
      2. Select the
        All Admins
        admin scope and select
        Push Config
      After the push config operation is completed, the snippet is created and the roles are associated with the snippet.
      The assigned user (project admin) can now log in to
      Strata Cloud Manager
      and configure project-specific using the snippet that you created. The user can view other scopes that they are not assigned to, but they cannot interact with them, such as changing any configurations.

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