Onboard a Remote Network (Strata Cloud Manager)
Prisma Access

Onboard a Remote Network (Strata Cloud Manager)

Table of Contents

Onboard a Remote Network (
Strata Cloud Manager

To onboard a remote network site to
Prisma Access
, specify the location and define the amount of bandwidth to allocate to the connection.
Here’s how to add a new remote network site to Prisma Access. You’ll start by specifying the location and defining the amount of bandwidth to allocate to the connection.

  1. Launch
    Prisma Access (Managed by Strata Cloud Manager)
  2. Make sure that you have allocated bandwidth to the location where you’ll deploy the remote network. See Planning Checklist for Remote Networks.
  3. Go to
    Service Setup
    Remote Networks
    Add Remote Networks
    If you're using
    Strata Cloud Manager
    , go to
    Prisma Access
    Remote Networks
    Add Remote Networks
  4. Give the remote network a descriptive
    Site Name
  5. Select the
    in which the site is located, and the closest
    Prisma Access
  6. (
    Only if you’re planning to use BGP for dynamic routing
    ) Enable
    ECMP Load Balancing
    so that the remote network site can use up to four IPSec tunnels.
    BGP is required for ECMP load balancing; QoS and static routes are not supported.
    When you enable ECMP, Remote Network traffic is load balanced over the tunnels you configure.
  7. Configure
    Advanced Settings
    • (
      ) Use
      Static Entries
      to resolve FQDNs to specific IP addresses.
      This functionality can be useful if you have guest internet services at your organization and you want your guests to safely use search engines, preventing them from searching for potentially inappropriate or offensive material that could be against company policy. To do so, enter a unique
      for the static entry rule, an
      , and the IP
      where the FQDN request should be directed.
    • If you want
      Prisma Access
      to proxy DNS requests, configure values for
      UDP Queries Retries
      Interval (Sec)
      to retry the query in seconds and the number of retry
      to perform.
  8. Connect a Remote Network Site to Prisma Access, where you’ll create an IPSec VPN tunnel to connect the remote network site to
    Prisma Access
  9. Configure static routing.
    1. For static routes to route traffic to and from your HQ or data center,
      the IP subnets or IP addresses that you want to secure at the branch.
      If you make any changes to the IP subnets on your HQ or data center network, you must manually update the static routes.
  10. Configure dynamic routing.
    1. For dynamic routing to advertise HQ or data center subnets,
      Enable BGP for Dynamic Routing
    2. (
      ) Select an
      MRAI Timer
      BGP routing offers a timer you can use to tailor BGP routing convergence in your network called the
      Minimum Route Advertisement Interval (MRAI)
      . MRAI acts to rate-limit updates on a per-destination basis, and the BGP routers wait for at least the configured MRAI time before sending an advertisement for the same prefix. A smaller number gives you faster convergence time but creates more advertisements in your network. A larger number decreases the number of advertisements that can be sent, but can also make routing convergence slower. You decide the number to put in your network for the best balance between faster routing convergence and fewer advertisements.
      Configure an MRAI range of between 1 and 600 seconds, with a default value of 30 seconds.
    3. To reduce the number of mobile user IP subnet advertisements over BGP to your customer premises equipment (CPE), specify
      Prisma Access
      to summarize the subnets before it advertises them by selecting
      Summarize Mobile User Routes before advertising
      By default,
      Prisma Access
      advertises the mobile users IP address pools in blocks of /24 subnets; if you summarize them,
      Prisma Access
      advertises the pool based on the subnet you specified. For example, Prisma Access advertises a public user mobile IP pool of using the /20 subnet, rather than dividing the pool into subnets of,,, and so on, before advertising them. Summarizing these advertisements can reduce the number of routes stored in CPE routing tables. For example, you can use IP pool summarization with cloud VPN gateways (Virtual Private Gateways (VGWs) or Transit Gateways (TGWs)) that can accept a limited number of routes.
    4. (
      ) to have
      Prisma Access
      originate a default route advertisement for the remote network using eBGP, select
      Advertise Default Route
      . Be sure that your network does not have another default route being advertised by BGP, or you could introduce routing issues in your network.
    5. (
      ) If you configured a secondary WAN and you need to change the peer address for the secondary (backup) BGP peer, select
      Use different BGP Peer for Secondary Tunnel
      and enter a unique Peer and, optionally, Local IP address for the secondary WAN.
    6. (
      ) Select
      Do Not Export Routes
      to prevent
      Prisma Access
      from forwarding routes into the HQ or data center.
      By default,
      Prisma Access
      advertises all BGP routing information, including local routes and all prefixes it receives from other service connections, remote networks, and mobile user subnets. Select this check box to prevent
      Prisma Access
      from sending any BGP advertisements, but still use the BGP information it receives to learn routes from other BGP neighbors.
      Prisma Access
      does not send BGP advertisements, if you select this option you must configure static routes on your on-premises equipment to establish routes back to Prisma Access.
    7. Enter the
      Peer IP Address
      assigned as the Router ID of the eBGP router on the HQ or data center network.
    8. Enter the
      Peer AS
      , the autonomous system (AS) for your network.
      Use and RFC 6996-compliant BGP Private AS number.
    9. Enter the
      Local IP Address
      Prisma Access
      uses as its Local IP address for BGP.
      A local address is only required if your HQ or data center device requires it for BGP peering to be successful. Make sure the address you specify does not conflict or overlap with IP addresses in the infrastructure subnet or subnets in the remote network.
    10. Enter a
      password to authenticate BGP peer communications.
    11. Select
      Confirm Secret

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