Query Verdicts
Prisma Access

Query Verdicts

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Query Verdicts

Retrieves the IP address-to-device mappings in the Third-Party Device-ID service.




Returns either all mappings or a subset.
To return all mappings, send the request once without any parameters. Take note of the nextBookmark value in the response. Send another request using that value for bookmark appended to the URI. The caller will repeat the query until count is empty in the response, indicating that it has returned all mappings.
To return a subset of mappings, specify the number of mappings you want to retrieve using pageLen, up to 10000.


This API accepts these parameters:
bookmark(Optional) Used after the first request to return all mappings.
pageLen(Optional) The number of mappings to retrieve. Range is 1-10000. If left unspecified, the default value is 10000.

Success Response

Upon success, the HTTP response code is 200. In addition, the response contains a JSON object with the following fields:
nextBookmarkThe value you use in the bookmark parameter to perform repeated queries until all mappings are returned.
countInteger representing the number of mappings returned in the response.
Object that contains the mappings specified in the request.
For example:
    "nextBookmark": CkcKVxdWVuY2USAggEEjFqCHN,        
    "count": 1,
    "verdicts" : [
            "ip": "",
            "updateTime": 1623974506,
            "mac": "0a:d4:5f:e9:96:10",
            "category": "Smartphone or Tablet",
            "vendor": "Apple Inc.",
            "model": "iPad2",
            "os": "iOS 9.3.6",
            "osFamily": "iOS",
            "profile": "iPad"

Error Response

Upon error, the HTTP response code is one of the following:
Response CodeDescription
Invalid request. The request was incomplete or malformed in some way.
You should fix the request before retrying.
401Unauthorized token.
429 Too many requests. The request could not be processed because too many requests have been issued in a specific period of time. No more than one request per second is allowed. Please wait and try again.
In addition, the response body contains the following fields:
codeThe error code.
messageThe error message.